Walderslade Property Market Update

January 14th, 2022

What’s the property market like in Walderslade?

Properties around Walderslade had an overall average price of £316,700 over the last year with 576 properties being sold.\r\nThe majority of sales around Walderslade during the last year were terraced properties, selling for an average price of £249,000. Semi-detached properties sold for an average of £297,900, with detached properties fetching £474,100. Overall, sold prices around Walderslade over the last year were 22% up on the previous year and 14% up on the 2018 peak of £277,900.

My top 3 things to do in Walderslade

Lordswood Leisure Centre, Taj Cuisine Indian Restaurant and Capstone Country Park.

If you’d like to know more about the value of your home or what it’s like to live in the area then please contact me on 07557783325.

To find out more about Walderslade click here.
