7 Ways To Stage Your Garden | Selling Your Property in Medway

April 11th, 2022

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Your front garden is one of the most important areas of your home to stage as it’s the first thing viewers see when they arrive.\r\nHere-is-how-to-stage-your-garden-before-selling-your-property-in-Medway Tom Dix Estate Agent Medway 7 Tips When Staging Your Garden For Sale[\/caption]\r\n\r\nHere are 7 tips to get it right:\r\n\r\n-Paint your front and garage doors to give a fresh look to your home\r\n-Power wash your drive and pathways\r\n-Make sure your lawn is cut and your garden is tidy and weed free\r\n-If you have a fence then consider painting it\r\n-If you have the space, add a bay tree in plant pot to each side of your front door\r\n-Replace your old door number with a new one\r\n-Get a new Welcome mat for outside your front door\r\n\r\nFor ways to improve your kerb appeal in Medway click here.\r\n\r\n \r\n

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