Why I’m supporting Action On Pre-Eclampsia

March 15th, 2022

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For every property sold I will be donating £100 to the charity Action On Pre-Eclampsia.\r\n

What is pre-eclampsia?\r\nPre-eclampsia causes serious complications during pregnancy. It can cause serious health issues for mother and baby.\r\n

What do Action-On Pre-Eclampsia do?\r\nAction on Pre-eclampsia provides support and information to members of the public and support to those affected by the condition. They also run a confidential service open to anyone seeking information or support.\r\n\r\nFind out more about the charity by clicking here. \r\n

Why I’m supporting them…\r\nDuring my wife’s pregnancy with our daughter Delilah she developed pre-eclampsia which resulted in an early birth via emergency c section. I’m very lucky to have them both today but others aren’t so lucky. Pre-eclampsia is difficult to diagnose and can happen very suddenly. The charity help research this disease and offer support to those affected.\r\n\r\nSale Agreed\r\n

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